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Introduction: An overview of Wimuu

Website creation made simple

Drag & Drop

You can use drag&drop to edit the content on all pages. Inserting new content gets as easy as changing texts, pictures, videos...

Responsive websites

Wimuu websites automatically change their appearance accordingly to the device of the visitor. So the experience of a Wimuu website is available on all devices.

Sell anywhere

Place any product on any page. You do not need a special "Shop"-page to do so. Simply add the product directly within the content.

Your website in multiple languages

You can define different languages for your website. Also the user can choose his preferred language.

Predefined content elements

Use our premade content elements to design and customize your website.

Statistics with Google Analytics

Using Google Analytics, you can see how many people access to your site. Professional statistics are available after the activation of your site.


Customize your website

Have it online immediatly

Drag & Drop

Edit all pages by using the build in drag&drop functionality. Inserting content elements gets as easy as changing existing content.

Predefined content elements

Use the prefabricated contents for the creation of your site.

Changeable designs

You can change the design every time you want, even if you already chose one.


Get a domain for your website

Custom domain for your website

Choose your preferred domain for your website.

Different TLDs possible

Choose from one of the available global domain endings to find the one that fits best to your needs.

Multiple domains for your website

Make your website available through more than one domain.


Define multiple languages for your website

Your website in multiple languages

Define different languages for your website. Your visitors can choose the desired one.

Automatic visitor language selection

Wimuu automatically recognizes the language of the visitor and shows your site in the specific language version (if available).

Editor in your preferred language

Create your site in the desired language.


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